Sunday, March 16, 2014


I have been crazy busy at work, and just have a ton of stuff going on. I am happy, happy, happy to report...I am still vegan! I'm right about 70ish days in. I have learned so much about myself, and food, and people in these last 70ish days.

I have learned how to order at Taco Bell. I know, not exactly "healthy" but it does come in handy to know that if I am out and about, or just need to grab something quickly, I can. Here is what I order; "Crunchwrap, substitute beans for meat, no cheese, no sour cream, add potatoes and (sometimes) guacamole". Freaking fabulous. I can also order a 7 layer burrito, no cheese or sour cream, or a bean burrito, no cheese, no red sauce (no onions because I don't like them on my burrito). I have been welcomed with "Uh, so just beans in a tortilla?" Yep.

I have learned that I have incredibly supportive and loving friends and family. I have not had one eye-roll (that I have seen). And anytime anyone see's something vegan, learns of a new place for me to eat, or reads something about veganism, they report it to me. I love that.

I have learned that my husband has no problem eating my vegan food. He eats his non-vegan food, then eats my vegan food. Nothing has changed in that respect.

I have learned I truly did not care about cheese as much as I thought I did. Seriously. I don't miss it at all. Thankfully, avocados are vegan, because I would have a problem giving those up.

I have learned that smoothies are far more of a hassle then I am willing to put up with, therefore, I have had exactly two since becoming vegan.

I have learned that if you eat everything that you discover is vegan, you will end up gaining about 50 lbs. Just because it's vegan, doesn't mean it's okay to eat it whenever you want. Please refer to my statement on how to order a Crunchwrap at Taco Bell, and OMG...I can only go to a vegan bakery like once a month. Seriously.

I have learned to scan a label so incredibly quickly for something non-vegan that it's like a super power. Casein, Whey,, no, nope.

So there it is, what has been going on in my vegan world for the last month.  I will write more and post some food pics soon.

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