This blog is for people who care what and how I am eating, without having to suffer through the daily Facebook status of my adventures into the land of the meatless.
First off, I am not a Vegan...YET. I would say to my friends "Oh, no, I can't go to All-You-Can-Eat Rib Night, I'm Vegan now." Only to be greeted with "OMG, you are not Vegan, it's been like a week!" So, I did what any middle aged woman does when needing an answer in order to prove herself right.... I took a poll of anyone who would answer the question as to when I can call myself Vegan, in a 24 hour period. And...drumroll please.. apparently to be able to say "Hi, I'm a Vegan", you have to have not eaten any meat, meat products, or anything that came from, was made by, taken from, or been near any part of a living creature for 90 days. 30 days is an experiment, and 60 days is dabbling, but magically, 90 days means you have spent a quarter of a year dedicated to annoying people at restaurants, inconveniencing dinner hosts, and spent enough money at Trader Joe's and in the produce section of the grocery store to, according to the masses (better known as the 15 people in my life I asked), say you are Vegan. Therefore, I have 63 days left to go. Until then, I shall remain experimenting and dabbling in Vegan limbo.
The biggest question I have been asked since this vegan business has started is... So you just eat salads? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? followed by..I COULD NEVER DO THAT. Well, "I could never do that", is pretty much the answer to the "Why would you do that?". To prove to myself I could. I'm 46 and I had started to feel like I had lost any shred of willpower I once had. Funny, when you are younger, you don't realize what willpower is, you just do it, but don't know that you are exercising willpower. I could eat nothing but air popped popcorn for 5 days straight to lose 3 pounds when I was 25. Now that is willpower, it's not smart, but it's willpower. I forgot what it felt like in the last couple of years to have willpower, so I set out to find some. It started with what I decided for my New Years Resolution would be a series of 30-day challenges. I figured I could do pretty much anything for 30 days. So the first, would be VEGAN, yes, vegan, not vegetarian, balls out vegan. The reason for vegan instead of vegetarian...I know me, and the likelyhood of me transitioning from vegetarian to vegan was slim to none, so I just skipped straight to vegan. Plus it just sounds better to say you are a failed vegan, then a failed vegetarian. If you are going to fail at something, go balls to the wall.
So welcome to my vegan experiment-dabbling-experience. I don't know how it will turn out, but if you care to come along, check in on me every once in a while. I'm going to be posting what I eat, what I order when I go out, and my adventures into Veganland.
And by the way, NO, I DON'T JUST EAT SALADS. Actually, in the last 27 days I think I have eaten two.
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